Intuitive Guidance Readings

1:1 Personalised Intuitve Reading

I am a Spiritual Empath with the ability of clairsentience (which is a ‘clear feeling’); this allows her to feel the present, past, and future of people’s energy physically and emotionally. My other ability is being claircognizant, (translated to ‘clear-knowing’), which is receiving the knowledge of others as a natural flow of information from a higher source.  

Heaven's Door

By connecting with my guides and loved ones, I serve as a bridge between our world and the spirit realm. Spirit provides guidance that they believe will enhance your relationships with others and your overall life.

During a reading, a departed loved one may come through to convey messages and offer evidence of their connection with you. This experience is deeply healing and touching for the client.

These readings offer insights into your surroundings and confirm if you are following your true path. The approach to my readings varies based on the client's needs for that day.

Readings take place in a secure and nurturing setting, intending to provide clarity and comfort to the client.

It's essential to approach the reading with an open heart and mind, understanding that the guidance is meant for support only; you hold the power to shape your journey. The guidance received often validates what your intuition is already telling you but you may be hesitant to trust.

To instigate change, we must take charge of our lives and embrace it fully.

Intuitive oracle card reading

$75 / 30 MINS

spiritual intuitive reading

$135 / 45 MINS

spiritual Intuitive reading

$180 / 1 Hour

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About Lynette

Lynette has a natural gift for intuitively knowing what people are experiencing. She uses this gift to provide guidance so her clients can access their own intuitiveness and apply it in all aspects of their life. 

Quick Links​
  • About Lynette

  • Spiritual Studio

  • Heart to Heart Consultation

  • Vision Statement

  • Testimonials

  • Contact

  • 0400 071 311


  • Skype: for National & International clients

  • Mornington Peninsula, Victoria, Australia

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